2020 How To Earn Money With A Public Speaking Job
Sell what you know
Your knowledge and expertise in a specific field will make them come, so make sure to build your base in that area through a variety of different mediums and formats. You can reach a lot of people if they are familiar with your works, books, CDs, or audio tapes. They could recognize you easily and instantly know what it is you are an expert at. You could get hired without difficulty and be conveniently invited to various speaking engagements. This could instantly translate to a thriving business as well as numerous speaking engagements.
Try Corporate Sponsorship
You can attempt to get companies to sponsor your fees when you speak by being in touch with those organizations who might be interested to be associated with whatever is the message of your speaking engagement. There are a lot of opportunities to be creative. Think of any specific group or company that would be a perfect audience for your subject and propose your concept to that corporation's PR Department.
Try Speakers Bureau
What this type of organization does is to actually locate speakers for their clients. This bureau earns a bit of a percentage from whatever is the speaker's fee. Usually the percentage ranges between fifteen percent up to thirty percent. Although having a speakers bureau hire you would be a lot easier if you were a celebrity or already have a record of proven success in the public speaking field, it won't hurt if you try them out. It is also highly advisable that the materials you have for promotion do not include your contact number but the bureau's. This is done so that any client who is interested in booking you again will contact the bureau and not you. The more fees you earn, the higher their earnings. So the benefit works both ways.
Do Seminars in Public
The idea behind this is simple, you do a speaking engagement in public and people buy tickets to that engagement.
Or you could also inform several corporations of your public seminar and any interested employees that they may have will buy the tickets to your speaking engagement.
You could do your own promotions through your website or through mailing lists.
Do Seminars on the Phone
Yes Virginia, it is possible. An inexpensive telephone bridge line could be requested or a more expensive conference call. Would-be participants then call and once connected, the seminar is delivered over the telephone line. It saves a lot of travel expenses for everyone. Any visual aids needed may be had via your website so participants should have ready access to a computer.
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