Before you can begin shopping for affordable group health insurance in Arizona, you must first understand the basics of group health insurance and what group health insurance can offer policyholders.
Group health insurance is usually purchased by employers to offer their employees. Although providing affordable group health insurance isn't legally required, employers who do offer affordable group health insurance in Arizona are more likely to attract and keep employees than those employers who do not offer it.
Affordable group health insurance in Arizona can cover several areas:
� Major medical expense: Covers serious, and expensive, injuries and illnesses.
� Disability income protection: Offers employees a percentage of their income for a certain period of time when they become disabled.
� Accident-only coverage: Covers losses due to an accident.
� Specified disease or specified accident: Covers only the costs of care and compensation for a listed disease or accident.
� Medicare supplement: Helps cover the health care costs that are not covered by Medicare.
� Long-term care: Covers care provided in a nursing home or extended care facility, and sometimes care provided in the policyholder's own home.
Affordable group health insurance in Arizona can be set up in one of three ways:
� Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
� Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)
� Point of Service (POS)
In order to get affordable group health insurance in Arizona, you must purchase the group health insurance that offers the coverage you need - and want - at the price you're able - and willing - to pay. What's affordable to one person or business may not be affordable to the next person or business.
Evaluate the kind of business you operate, and determine the coverage you want to offer your employees. Remember, not offering a particular kind of coverage may leave you in legal limbo later on down the road, so consider your options and take into account situations that may arise and possible needs of employees.
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